Since 9 years old Shawn always knew that he is different. He knew he was not a he but a she. When he reached 13 he became one those teen gay who became a cross-dresser. Here are some of his sexcapades.
At the age of 15, he was different now; his figure was slim and beautiful, and he found that with a mere thought, he could change his features and assets. His sexuality was alive and responded to any stimulation including the slightest touch and he became obsessed with it. With a mere thought, he could move from one place to another; moving through walls and past jet aircraft with the speed of thought. He could hear the thoughts of those nearby, and felt alive throughout his entire being, no longer limited by senses and intuition. He was exhilarated, yet driven at the same time, for he knew his purpose was to secure as much extract as he could for his friends above. He would mate with every man he could, secure his semen, and deliver it immediately to the receptacle that was always waiting in a nearby dimension. With newly learned muscular techniques along with the retractable probe implanted in his ass, he could drain his reproductive resources; then completely void the precious extract while it was at its' most strong stage in a matter of seconds.. With his ability to change shapes and personalities at will, his donors could be as varied as nature itself
His first donor was a middle-aged businessman. He came to him while he studied the Journal in a private area of the park. He was blond and sexy, and he couldn't believe his good fortune. Jumping behind a growth of bushes, they ravaged each other’s bodies. He tore at his nipples as his throbbing organ smashed into his furry mound. At the height of his passion, the probe automatically extended its flexible tube and plunged deep into his asshole, sucking every drop of liquid into his pulsing entrance hall. He screamed, grabbed his balls, and rolled off into the dense underbrush in a fetal position. The receptacle appeared from its resident dimension, and placing it between the flower of his asshole, he forced the milky fluid out of his ass. With a sigh, he quickly restored his appearance, and wandered back towards the ball field.
"He's had a vasectomy, my dear." The soothing voice returned, chiding his failed first attempt.
"Damn!" He thought; "I just can't keep doing this!" He winced at its observation, and decided to pursue younger, less experienced and more virile material. He found his playing center field, and with a mere twitch of his finger, he trotted towards his with his eyes glowing in anticipation.
"Hi, I'm M. . . .!" and before he could finish; his lips locked onto his and his hand reached for the hard cock between his legs. Before he could catch his breath, he had his jersey ripped open and his pants were being pulled down to his knees. He was a short-haired blond with a jogging outfit, and a juicy tan. Roughly messaging his manhood through his jockeys, he pulled the T-shirt off with a smooth motion and planted his hands on his smooth tight nipples. His tan-lines were all the way to his nipples, and his belly had the composure of a refined athlete. Stripping his shorts off with his free hand, he continued to message his manhood, concentrating on the glands to stimulate his pre-cum. When the first drops oozed on to his soft hands, he quickly forced his down on his back, inserted his manhood, and began pumping fitfully as his hands messaged his balls. Within just a few moments, he felt his abs tighten, and knowing he would soon release, he forced his all the way into his depths, to allow the probe easy access. His muscles began to rhythmically draw him deeper into his ass, and just as the first ejaculate surged from his prostrate, the probe dutifully found his opening buried within the glands, and forced itself down the length of his surging organ. He screamed, and grabbed his balls, now being unmercifully drained of their juices. He continued to rock his hips up and down on his surging manhood until he collapsed; his testes the size of two shriveled peas. Again the receptacle appeared, and he pumped frothy extract into its chamber while feeling his own orgasm building. As the last threads of his essence fell away from his swollen pussy, he fell back and frantically stroked his engorged butt cheeks. He muffled his screams with the back of his hand as a multiple orgasms shook his body in quick succession. Again with a sigh, he reconfigured his appearance, and looked over at his exhausted form lying in the tall grass, his deflated manhood laying to one side in total exhaustion. He smiled and turned towards the playground across the street.
Three young boys were shooting hoops, dodging and darting to gain possession of the weathered, and partially deflated ball. Within just a few moments, Shawn became a substantially younger redhead, and ran across the court snaring the ball with one swift motion. As his victims tried to regain their plaything, he quickly lifted his dress to reveal nothing underneath. They froze and their interests immediately shifted to his bouncing balls and hard cock as he skipped back across the court and into the equipment room next to the showers. Within moments they were all naked, and he was carefully giving them a "crash-course" in human sexuality; he had one of the hairless organs in his mouth, one in his hand and one stroking away frantically at his tight little ass. Their youth was reflected in their lack of control as they all climaxed within moments of one another, and ran into the shower room shrieking with their first conquest. He sat up, with the probe starting to emerge from his tiny lips, and wondered what had just come and gone. The depository appeared but he had precious little to offer, for despite their youthful vigor, their extract was just barely adequate in development to be of any use. He changed his form into that of the local janitor, went below the showers, and secured the cold water to exact his revenge. Within seconds, the boys ran screaming into the locker room amidst the embrace of their soft towels. He smiled to himself as he again changed his form and headed out for his next conquest.
The local police were mystified at the two men they had found; one cowering in the woods, and the other under the bleaches at the local ball field. Both had told similar stories, but the attacker was so different in each case that there was no apparent suspect. He overheard Sgt. Laski’s concerns for the community’s safety; and touched by sincerity, he waited until he was alone in the squad car on his way back to the precinct before he appeared in the back seat. He slammed on the brakes, staring in the rear view mirror at his pristine oriental face. He started to speak, but he pressed his lips to his, learning its effectiveness from the center-fielder. He only squirmed in his seat for a few moments, and then relaxed to allow Shawn full access to his. He caressed his slightly over-weight figure through his clothes, and was able to arouse his quickly by applying gentle pressure to his prostrate. Removing his trousers completely, he began oral administrations on his engorged member and hastily removed his clothing. As his face, his body was pristine, with clear pale features and tiny buds on the tips of his small firm nipples. His manhood surged, and he took advantage of his compromised position to thrust his into his moist warm asshole. They held other’s tightly, slowing building on each others' arousal until he began to peak. Feeling his spasms increase along the length of his manhood, he grunted as the first surge of knotted, milky substance screamed into his asshole on its way into his gay-hood. The first geyser shot past the probe and splashed against his ass with such fury that most of it rebounded back out of his teen gay opening. His eyes went wide with surprise, as did his when the probe sped down the length of his organ and into his tight ball sack. The both shrieked in a wondrous mutual orgasm, and he continued to rub his swollen asshole against his bone as several more orgasms shattered his perfect body. His eyes were glazed and his body limp as the last of his masculine juices was drawn into his throbbing asshole. He continued to rub against him long after he was totally drained and unconscious, savoring the feel of his limp, expended organ in gay hood. Finally, with a pang of regret, he drained his essence, and changed his form for the journey ahead - he was getting too well known around this town.
"Hi, I'm Shawn, and I need you!" He exclaimed.
Shaken but not stirred, he escorted him over to a secluded grassy mole with his arm around his waist. As soon as he felt hidden from the view of any onlookers, he tore at his clothing with fury. He was sexually starved for his extract, and he buried his face into his groin as soon as his clothes were clear. Sucking frantically, he drew his entire member within his mouth and rolled his tongue around his expanding glands as he moaned with excitement. Within moments he was erect, and with one quick motion, he pulled down his underwear, and mounted his manhood. Humping up and down as much as he dared without losing his erection, he panted and ground his dripping asshole into his crotch until his orgasm shattered his body with marvelous spasms. As his juices began to pour from the glands deep within his asshole, two small probes emerged from the tip of his manhood, and shot through his ass on the way to his ass. And Shawn was satisfied for the first time. And the journey lives on.
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